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Many communities today choose to build their own publicly owned telecommunications infrastructure rather than rely on external developers. These networks, known as “municipal fiber networks,” are owned by local governments and are viable alternatives to the services provided by private telecom giants.
You did it!
You successfully designed and built a FTTH network. But you’re not done...
After turning a network on, you can’t just leave it running on its own. You must be able to easily measure performance and track a variety of metrics over time. In addition, you need to be able to expand your coverage area and reach new subscribers quickly, which requires knowing everything you can about your network’s existing elements.
You need a comprehensive platform that can consolidate network information in a single place and help you actively monitor performance with ease. You need OSPInsight.
So you’ve chosen a design for your FTTH network. And you’ve evaluated it to ensure that it’s a good investment for you and your potential subscribers.
Now, it’s time to prep for deployment.
You’ve designed a FTTH network that you think will fit your subscribers’ needs well.
Now, is the fun part.
You need to evaluate your design financially and operationally to ensure that it is, in fact, the right approach.
In April's webinar we showed off the new Help Center. We're excited to make this live for you to start using!
Choosing the right architecture for your FTTH network is essential. Your network’s design has a major impact on both deployment costs and network performance.
FTTH learning never stops.
Every year, innovations in fiber optic material and installations impact how network developers approach their FTTH deployments.
As someone who builds FTTH networks, it’s important that you always know where to learn about the latest and greatest advances in the space.
There is no such thing as a perfect fiber optic network.
Network issues arise for many different reasons, from bad weather to vandalism. As a network operator, you need to build redundancies into your network and anticipate problems that could compromise services for your clients.
Keeping track of fiber optic terminology is tricky.
When it comes to discussing FTTH deployments, there are additional definitions and concepts that are important to know as a network developer. Below is a snapshot of the most important terms to help you get started.
3672 W South Jordan Pkwy, Suite 102, South Jordan, UT 84009
+1 (385) 501-7155