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OSPInsight's Operations Support Tools

Randy Anderson - Dec 21, 2018 10:00:00 AM

Operations Support Tools (featured image)

What Is Operations Support?

Even after fiber networks have been designed and installed, they require ongoing care and management. Much like how gardens need careful attention, fiber networks need to be actively maintained in order to flourish. Without a clear understanding of the current-state of affairs, it’s difficult to manage existing operations and plan for future growth.

OSPInsight provides an array of tools, collectively referred to as Operations Support, that are designed to help organizations monitor and grow thriving fiber networks.

Using resources available through Operations Support, network managers can provide exceptional service to current clients, troubleshoot their networks, and make strategically sound decisions.

Understand Everything About Your Fiber Network

In order to manage a fiber network successfully, supervisors need to know where their existing cable is and how it is utilized. This is especially important as networks grow to serve more and more clients spread across wider geographic regions.

Through Operations Support, network managers have capabilities that facilitate both a high-level and nuanced understanding of network design and performance.

OSPInsight Web - Route Detail (Window)

OSPInsight’s Route Detail and Route Schematic features provide essential data that include fiber endpoints, distances between panels, fiber status, fiber priority, and cable locations. Reports can easily be exported and shared to support data requests and other types of needs. For example, network managers may use Operations Support tools to pull data on how many miles of cable have been installed in a given city for tax purposes.

Additionally, OSPInsight’s solutions are available online and can be accessed remotely. Rather than relying on offline excel spreadsheets or other ad hoc methods to track data, network managers can use cloud-based Operations Support tools to gain a thorough understanding of everything going on in their networks.

Troubleshoot Network Issues Quickly

Cable breaks can be extremely problematic for both network managers and clients. Without the right resources, troubleshooting networks can be time consuming and damaging to end-users who depend heavily on digital connectivity.

Through Operations Support tools, network managers can troubleshoot issues that will inevitably arise. With applications such as the Find Fault tool, technicians are able to quickly identify the geographic location of cable breaks and determine how best to prioritize repairs.

OSPInsight Web - Find Fault (9.7.1) (Full)

Should teams need to be sent into the field to splice cable, OSPInsight’s SpliceGUI application will provide the necessary details to get the job done right, and record what was done to help manage future network needs.

With Operations Support, network managers are empowered not only to monitor their networks well, but also troubleshoot problems as they surface and prevent downtime for their clients.

Confidently Invest In Future Development

Knowing how to plan for and meet future fiber demand is crucial for long-term success. Network managers who don’t know how much capacity they have across their networks can’t adequately plan for new developments or opportunities.

OSPInsight has several tools and reports for understanding fiber cable utilization that exist as part of the Operations Support offering. Both the Capacity Report and Taper Report are powerful resources that network developers use to determine if they can serve new clients with unlit fibers on existing cables or if they need to install new cable.

OSPInsight Web - Taper Report (Window)

Using Operations Support tools in combination with a digital map, network managers can see, geographically, where they should and shouldn’t be investing in their fiber networks. Ultimately, this leads to informed, capital-efficient decision-making around future growth. As fiber cable usage continues to increase globally, tools and reporting that support expansion will become crucial for network managers who want to outperform the competition.

The Value Of Operations Support

Designing a network and installing cable are only part of the equation when it comes to successful fiber network management. Organizations need support to operate and maintain healthy networks as they grow and change. With OSPInsight, network managers have all of the reports, tools, and resources they need to understand where they are today and how to get to where they want to be tomorrow.

For more information on what solutions are available through OSPInsight’s Operations Support, request a free demo here.