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What Is The RFI Tool?

Jake Anderson - Jan 24, 2019 10:00:00 AM

What Is the RFI Tool (featured image)

Qualifying development opportunities quickly is incredibly important when trying to win business in the fiber network space. Sales professionals need to be able to estimate project costs with relative ease without relying on the help and expertise of network engineers.

Having access to a powerful resource, like OSPInsight’s RFI (Request for Information) tool, enables network developers to manage an efficient front-end sales process that can enhance revenue recognition and ROI.

What Is OSPInsight’s RFI Tool? 

OSPInsight’s RFI tool helps sales professionals estimate how much new network development projects would cost to execute. Used in conjunction with a mapping interface, the RFI tool allows users to select the location of a proposed site and calculate how much it would cost to connect that site to an existing splice point. The tool will identify the three closest splice points, thereby enabling sales professionals to compare the costs of different hypothetical cable routes to the proposed development. 

The RFI tool can also identify barriers that would increase the cost of a given project. For example, if a river runs between the proposed site and the nearest access point, the RFI tool will add additional cost for cabling over the obstacle. Equally valuable for sales professionals is the ability to upload potential developments in batches and evaluate costs for many projects simultaneously. This level of functionality is extremely important for fiber network developers that may qualify projects for carriers who want to light up multiple cell towers.

What Is the RFI Tool (image 1)

What Pain Points Does The RFI Tool Solve?

Before the RFI tool was developed, fiber network sales professionals required help from network engineers to estimate the costs associated with potential projects. Now, these individuals can qualify opportunities on their own with tremendous efficiency. And because the tool can calculate costs for multiple routes, sales professionals are able to make informed decisions and deliver cost-effective bids to potential clients.

What Is the RFI Tool (image 2) 
The RFI tool also makes it easy for users to identify incremental opportunities along proposed cable routes and upsell customers. Being able to add additional sites to a proposed project lowers overall development costs and increases the ROI associated with new business opportunities. 

Empowering Fiber Network Sales Professionals

OSPInsight’s RFI tool empowers sales professionals to qualify potential projects quickly and accurately. Using the tool effectively helps fiber network developers optimize their existing networks and deploy capital in the most efficient way possible in order to serve new clients.

To learn more about OSPInsight’s RFI tool, schedule a free demo here.